Inclusive Headwear Research Project

Posted: 14.03.24

Inclusive Headwear Research Project

Inclusive Headwear 

The lack of inclusive headwear in aquatics is yet another barrier that contributes towards the exclusivity of the aquatics sector.

Change Makers

In 2020 the Black Swimming Association (BSA) made its mark in the world. The mark was relatively small at the time and not everyone knew it was there - while some couldn’t see it, others chose not to. A non-profit organisation, with a mission to act as a bridge between the aquatics sector and disenfranchised communities of African, Caribbean and Asian heritage in the UK. No small feat, but a body that we believed was essential.

Three years later, the BSA has grown and evolved into a national award-winning charity, recognised by think tanks, national governing bodies and the aquatics sector for its work in water safety and drowning prevention. In that time the charity has gained strategic partnerships, funding and commissioned pioneering research with a pool of 1400 respondents across seven cities in the UK.

Through education, advocacy, support and research our work has contributed towards the ethnic diversification of aquatics in the UK. Whether it's working with leisure centre providers and national governing bodies to create inclusive aquatic policy; or conducting test-and-learn water safety initiatives for adults and young people, the BSA is growing in its purpose to save lives by making the aquatics sector equitably accessible for all; regardless of gender, culture, background or heritage.

And our most recent target area - is schools.

The BSA is proud to be working in collaboration with afPE for this next challenge. Our joint objective is to work towards a more inclusive physical education offering in schools across the country, with a focus of course, on school swimming and aquatic activity.

Although swimming lessons already exist as part of the national curriculum, resources regarding inclusive swimwear and headwear do not - and according to our latest research project, it really should.

Our latest research project _ #OurSwimStory

#OurSwimStory is our pioneering research project launched in 2023, which investigates the social behaviours and attitudes adults of African, Caribbean and Asian heritage have towards swimming and aquatic activities. It found that many respondents identify hair as being a significant barrier to participation in swimming and aquatic activities. According to our research, the numbers speak for themselves: 

33% of Black survey respondents indicated that hair was a barrier to engagement, the most commonly selected barrier within this group. 

Black and Asian participants were also concerned about the costs associated with having to purchase hair care products that suit their needs. According to one respondent, while “there are swimming caps and creams and shampoos and conditioners, they cost more or they’re not easily available.”

As our surveys were primarily aimed at adults across the UK, one may assume this research is therefore not relevant to children and young people - unfortunately, it very much is.

A Lack of Inclusive Headwear

When regarding hair as a barrier to aquatic engagement, it’s first and foremost a social one. Hair is a form of expression and identity, especially for children and young people. Not having the option of wearing appropriate inclusive headwear causes a number of different problems for a number of different children.

A lack of inclusive headwear is already causing stress, dread and disengagement for children as young as 8 years old - the age at which many have their first experiences of swimming lessons through their school’s physical education curriculum. Traditional aquatic headwear doesn’t cater to children with longer, thicker afro hair, nor does it cater to traditionally Black hairstyles including braids, dreadlocks and twists with extensions. But this isn’t an issue that only affects young Black children. Children of Islamic faith who wish to cover their heads, hair and neck also suffer the same symptoms; as do children of Sikh faith who may prefer to swim whilst wearing a dastar or chunni. A lack of inclusive headwear means a number of things for these children:

An immediate disengagement and dislike towards swimming from children of Black and Asian heritage, which only perpetuates the cycle of these demographics being at a greater risk of accidental drowning, compared to their white British peers.

Missing out on learning an essential life-saving skill in swimming as well as vital water safety knowledge.

An increased tendency of resignation and dislike towards physical activity as a whole, which contributes towards a potential decline in both their physical and mental health.

What’s In The Water?

Chemical substances that are found in pool water is another reason why inclusive headwear is a necessity. Research has found that swimming pool water can be harmful to hair, thanks to a substance called sodium hypochlorite - more commonly known as bleach. Consequently, swimming or taking part in an aquatic activity, can cause excessive dryness and damage to our hair’s natural structure. Although research shows that swimming pool water is most damaging on Afro hair in particular, (due to the hair texture’s lack of cell layers,) it’s clear that pool water is damaging to hair of every texture and type. Whilst protective measures can be taken to prevent such damage (e.g. applying a hair protectant/leave-in conditioner post-swim), depending on the frequency of the aquatic activity, it can take an extended period of time for hair to recover to its full natural health and strength. 

Needless to say, it’s evident how wide-ranging the needs of various communities are, as well as the importance of diverse and tailored solutions that we believe will lead to increased participation.

Our Call To Action

Different types of diverse swimming caps made by multiple brands are now available on the market, designed to accommodate a variety of hair types; while inclusive headwear suited for children and young people of specific faiths are also growing in supply and demand.

We ask schools, leisure centre operators and aquatic practitioners to work with us to ensure that we can remove any barrier involving the wearing or purchasing of appropriate swimming headwear within and outside of the nation's physical education curriculum. Whether it’s an oversized swim cap to accommodate voluminous hair and hairstyles; or a swim hijab wrap for those who wear hijabs and modest swimwear, we believe working with brands and investing in tailor-made solutions, which cater to the needs of all communities, can lead to an increase in participation in swimming and physical education for all children. Finally, we believe it will contribute to an increase in children and young people exploring potential athletic and professional careers in the sector.

Our strategic partnership will see the BSA contributing towards the 2024 edition of Safe Practice in PESSPA, advising on guidance regarding inclusive headwear for school swimming and aquatic activity. We will also work on the creation of an inclusive headwear toolkit for schools, parents, leisure operators and the PE community to support and educate on the care and management of hair specifically for school swimming.  

Together, afPE and the BSA are committed to ensuring that every child and young person has equitable access to swimming and water safety as a statutory requirement in the national curriculum, starting with inclusive headwear.

Testimonies From #OurSwimStory Research Participants

“I loved swimming and diving as a child, and I participated in swimming competitions until I was about 11, when the cost and lack of swimming caps fitting my hair influenced my decision to stop. I’m in a position now where I can afford to start swimming again, but swimming caps are still very uncomfortable due to my hair.” (Mixed Asian and Black, Female, London).

“I think in recent years there's been lots of movement to be more inclusive in offering and cultural decisions are being taken into account, i.e., new swim hats and swimsuits that support your religion or hair, etc. [It] just needs to be promoted better and information should be more easily accessible.” (Mixed Asian and White, Female, East England).

“I’ve gone swimming before with my hair in braids, but you always have to think about ‘what am I going to do with my hair?’ It’s easier not to go or to do something else instead.” (Black British, Female).

“The information on caring for your hair, especially if it’s afro hair, just isn't out there.” (Black, Caribbean, Female).

To find out more about #OurSwimStory research, please visit